Personal transport to airports Bratislava, Schwechat, Budapest, Prague | Transfers to Europe | Transport for organizations | Car rental with driver | Drink taxi | Wedding transportation | Quality assurance | Provided cars are always clean with a clean interior | The driver is always in representation clothing | Vehicle submission guaranty | Only non-smoker vehicles | 7 days a week | Prices are fixed | All prices apply per ride (one way / return) | Max vehicle capacity are 4 persons | Prices are calculated for a single car and are identical for 1 to 4 persons | Transportation will be realized by vehicles, Mercedes-Benz E-Class etc.. | Prices are related to transport of pasengers with standard baggage (1 small suitcase and 1 big suitcase per person) | In case of special, bulky, oversized or sport baggage, please contact us, we will provide transportation according to your needs